Saturday, June 4, 2016

Let's do this!

Out of nowhere, my once Tiny Overlord is now 3.5 YEARS OLD and interested in learning everything there is to learn in the entire vast universe. I always knew I'd homeschool my kid. It wasn't ever a question of if, but when.

I know, I know, homeschooling is for frothing religious nutters (FRNs) who want to protect their shining examples of God's love by indoctrinating their little brains out. I've seen them too. We're homeschooling not because we're frothing religious nutters (praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster), but because I can provide a rich, challenging, interest-led educational opportunity for my kid. And so, by the hot, hot flames of Mordor, I will.

This isn't gonna be one of those Pinterest-perfect homeschooling blogs, but more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants (when we're actually wearing pants) sort of place. There will be learning, but there will also be cookies-only days, setting things on fire, Super Amazing Adventurey-Adventuring, and possibly some impromptu taxidermy. I do take literacy very seriously, so expect lots of books. If we sound like your kind of people, this is your cordial invitation to Super Amazing Adventurey-Adventure along with us.

I'll also be off-topic A LOT. So I'll try to keep up with tagging posts. That way you can sort and view only the homeschool-related posts if that's what you're here for.

BIG OLE DISCLAIMER: If you don't like the F-word, it's SUPER easy to close this tab and be on your merry way.

A bit about us:
I'm the happy proprietor of The Lewd Shrew, an Etsy shop selling delightfully profane cross stitch patterns and kits. In my spare time I'm working on a book of cross stitch patterns. I'm married, to my devoted Disney partner of 15 years and adorable film-quoting husband. And finally, I'm mother to my reason for 6am dance parties and foam sword fights, hereby known as The Spawn. He's remarkably loquacious, loves counting, spelling, sign language, and attempting to influence me to gouge out my eyeballs with back-to-back Caillou episodes. He is obsessed with Thomas, and can name all eight billion characters. He knows the alphabet, the sounds they make, how to write them in lower- and uppercase, and the signs for each. This is thanks largely to Signing Time and Leap Frog videos, so you can just take all of that television rots your brain nonsense and eat it, Mom.

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