Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Organizing Kindergarten

Last year I used a physical planner (The Happy Planner) in combination with digital project management software (Basecamp). And while I really like both of these, I wanted something to track grades, gather links and documents, and keep schedules in one place. I could really use Basecamp for this but it isn't laid out specifically for schoolwork. I'd like to keep track of standards that we're covering so I went in search of a basic school-specific planner and discovered It's cheap: $12/year, and it's got an app. It's not as in-depth as some software, but it's fine for what we're doing right now. Here's a screencap of this week's schedule and the drop-down menu:

The classes are color-coded, and you can bump lesson plans forward and backward, extend standards to additional lessons, keep track of grades, events, lists, documents, etc. And the standards are easy to look up and add to lesson plans, assignments, and assessments. This would be a useful tool of homeschoolers who need to provide samples of work to their counties. Check it out!

Disclaimer: I don't work for Planbook and I didn't get it free to review. I just like to tell people about cool shit that might help them out, especially for free or on the cheap. Also, feel free to share any free or cheap resources that you know about in the comments.

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