Saturday, May 27, 2017

Too many irons are worth two in the bush...

As you can tell, I'm really bad at updating the blog. We're still plugging away at the program and I'll get the posts up eventually. I'll even backdate them so that I feel like I'm a Time Lord and not some reckless blogging drunkard spewing random posts from here to February all over my nice, clean calendar.

I'm still working on that secular integrated curriculum and it's slow going but it will be finished, if I have to make a blood sacrifice to every invisible sky daddy I can think of.

Isn't this how everyone spends Saturday morning? No? Just me?

I've got a lot of various projects on my plate in addition to the Etsy shop. We're looking for a piece of land for the future homestead. I'm writing curriculum daily, homeschooling, reading, sewing, baking. Plus I've come up with a new project that I really want to do but REALLY don't have time for. The more christians I come across in the homeschooling community, and on social media in general, the more I think the Bible needs a rewrite. It would include such verses as:

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for they need their vaccinations, you science-illiterate twats." -Matthew 19:14

I'd need a good pen name for the project, to decrease the chances of some religious nutcase hunting me down for a good old righteous killing. Any ideas? I've got a few that might work.

Holier Bible by J. Diddy, King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Gospel: Part Deux by Mighty Undead Crossmaster

The Best Book by Donald J. Trump (It's like the Good Book, but so much better. It's bigger, you know, so it's better. I mean, it's the best book. You can't beat this book.)

I don't know, I haven't even really committed to the project. It's tempting but I don't want to put the cart before the sleeping dog. I'll guess we'll cross that bridge when we burn it. Mmmm, I love me a good malaphor in the morning. Toodle pip!

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