Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Happy Solstice!

Today we're celebrating the winter solstice. We live in Florida and it's usually hot for Christmas (this year it's supposed to near 80 degrees) but it's very crisp out today. We talked about the scarcity of food during this season and made feeders for our animal friends.

The first ones are strands of plain cheerios. I just tied a button onto one end of a length of string and wrapped a bit of scotch tape on the other end to make threading easier. Then we went to town stringing the cereal until we were happy with them.

The others were apple slices which we spread with peanut butter and dipped in crushed cheerios (we're out of birdseed). I cut a little hole near the top of each slice and strung them with thread.

Then we hung them outside for the birds and squirrels to enjoy.

Happy solstice!